Artist couples of modernism. Hans Purrmann and Mathilde Vollmoeller-Purrmann in discourse

Felix Billeter/Maria Leitmeyer (ed.)

Hans Purrmann and Mathilde Vollmoeller-Purrmann are among the most important painter couples of classical modernism. The discourse with other artist couples of their time opens up a spectrum of diverse biographies. The distribution of roles in partnership and family as well as education, everyday life in artistic work or position in the exhibition business are exciting aspects of modern art history.

High-caliber specialists shed light on the life and work of Sabine and Reinhold Lepsius, Marg and Oskar Moll, Leo von König and Mathilde Tardif, Carl Casper and Maria Caspar-Filser, Wassily Kandinsky and Gabriele Münter, Alexej von Jawlensky and Marianne von Werefkin as well as Max Beckmann and Minna Tube. In this impressive panorama of the avant-garde, networks of modernity become visible alongside gender issues.

176 pages, 60 illustrations.
ISBN: 978-3-422-98650-3
Price: 18,00 €